
Camembert & Roasted Grape Sourdough

Camembert & Roasted Grape Sourdough


Jason’s Sourdough - Grains & Seeds Ciabattin
A Handful of Seedless Red Grapes 
Olive Oil to Drizzle 
2 tsp Runny Honey
200g Ripe Camembert, Sliced in Half Horizontally to Give 2 Discs 
4 Rosemary Sprigs
For the rocket pesto 

50g Walnuts, Toasted in a Hot Dry Pan and Roughly Chopped 
4 Rosemary Sprigs, Leaves Picked and Finely Chopped 
1 Small Garlic Clove, Chopped 
2 tsp Runny Honey 
50g Rocket, Roughly Chopped 
50ml Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

Heat the oven to 180°C fan/gas 6. Take a handful of grapes and rosemary and place on a baking tray, then drizzle with the oil and honey; season and toss to coat. 

Roast for 30 minutes until the grapes are blistered and soft. Set aside to cool completely. 

To make the rocket pesto - blitz the walnuts, rosemary, garlic and honey together in a food processor. Gradually add the rocket until you get a thick paste. Then, stir in the remaining oil and season.

Toast your Jason’s Sourdough and spread on the rocket pesto.

Time to get fancy! Top your pesto with sliced camembert, roasted grapes, chopped walnuts and drizzle some of the roasting juices. Delicious!